Alcoholic Liquors and Marijuana

CHAPTER 13. The Delaware Marijuana Control Act

Subchapter II. Marijuana Commissioner and Appeals Commission

84 Del. Laws, c. 24, § 4
§ 1321. Marijuana Commissioner; Appeals Commission; qualifications; appointment; term; compensation.

(a) The Commissioner must be a resident of this State and suitably educated and experienced to carry out the duties and responsibilities set forth in this chapter.

(b) The Commissioner and the 3 members of the Appeals Commission, consisting of 1 member from each county, shall be appointed by the Governor and confirmed by a majority of the members elected to the Senate and shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The Governor shall make initial nominations for the Commissioner and the 3 members of the Appeals Commission by October 30, 2023.

(c) The Commissioner may name a Deputy Commissioner. The Commissioner may, during an absence from the State, appoint the Deputy Commissioner to serve as Acting Commissioner during such absence. In the event of death, resignation, temporary incapacity, or removal of the Commissioner, and prior to the appointment of a successor, the Governor may appoint the Deputy Commissioner, or such other person as deemed qualified by the Governor, to serve as Acting Commissioner. The Acting Commissioner has all the powers and shall perform all the duties and functions of the Commissioner during the Commissioner’s absence or incapacity or until a successor is qualified and appointed.

(d) The Commissioner is to be compensated as provided for in the annual Budget Act.

(e) The members of the Appeals Commission are to be compensated at the rate of $150 per meeting together with the reasonable expenses for no more than 12 meetings per year.

(f) The Appeals Commission shall meet and elect a chair who shall convene meetings of the Commission as frequently as needed to consider appeals of the Commissioner’s decision.

84 Del. Laws, c. 24, § 4

§ 1322. Duties and powers of the Commissioner.

(a) The Commissioner, in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act, Chapter 101 of Title 29, shall do all of the following:

(1) Adopt rules and regulations consistent with § 1331 of this title and other provisions of this chapter or of any other law of this State, and all such rules and regulations have the force and effect of law. A rule or regulation may not extend, modify, or conflict with any law of this State or the reasonable implications thereof. A rule or regulation adopted under this paragraph (a)(1) must focus primarily on public safety and the best interests of the consumer and may not unduly restrict competition within the marijuana industry.

(2) Maintain ongoing communication with the Department of Agriculture regarding the physical address where marijuana or hemp is cultivated. Prior to issuing any license for cultivation of marijuana, the Commissioner shall notify the Department of Agriculture of a proposed location of any marijuana cultivation establishment, and take into consideration any concerns by the Department of Agriculture as it relates to the indoor and outdoor cultivation of marijuana.

(3) Establish rules and regulations for the effective control of the business of cultivation, manufacture, and sale of marijuana and marijuana products within the State, including the time, place, and manner in which marijuana and marijuana products may be sold and dispensed, not inconsistent with § 1331 of this title and other provisions of this chapter or with any other law of this State.

(4) Establish health and safety regulations for the indoor and outdoor cultivation of marijuana by marijuana establishments under this chapter. Such rules and regulations under this section must be consistent with applicable rules and regulations established under the regulatory authority of the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control and may include all of the following:

a. Prohibition of the use of pesticides that are neither organic nor federally approved for marijuana.

b. Standards for the use of carbon dioxide.

c. Standards for water use.

d. Standards for disposal of waste.

e. Standards for indoor and outdoor air quality.

(5) Grant, refuse, suspend, or cancel licenses required by this chapter for the cultivation, manufacture, or sale of marijuana and marijuana products, or other licenses required by this chapter in regard thereto and to transfer any license granted. The Commissioner must provide the applicant or licensee with written communication regarding any decision to grant, refuse, suspend, or cancel licenses required by this chapter for the cultivation, manufacture, or sale of marijuana and marijuana products, or other licenses required by this chapter in regard thereto, and when transferring any license granted.

(6) Hear complaints in regard to the conduct of business in any establishment where marijuana or marijuana products are licensed to be sold upon receipt of a petition signed by at least 10 individuals who are residents of the same neighborhood. Ten days’ notice of such hearings, together with a recital of the complaint, must be sent by the Commissioner’s office by registered mail to the address of the holder of the license for the establishment. Like notice must be delivered at the establishment by affixing the notice addressed to the holder of the license to the outside of an entrance door to the establishment. The hearings must be public and conducted by the Commissioner. The Commissioner, for the purpose of such hearings, has the power to issue subpoenas, compel the attendance of witnesses, administer oaths, take testimony, and compel the production of pertinent books, payrolls, accounts, papers, records, and documents. In case any person summoned to testify or to produce any such written or printed evidence refuses, without reasonable cause, to be examined, to answer a legal and pertinent question, or to produce any such written or printed evidence, the Commissioner conducting the hearing may certify the fact of any such refusal to the Superior Court of the county in which such hearing is held and the court may proceed against the person so refusing as for a contempt and punish such person in the same manner as persons are punished for contempt of court.

(7) Compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of contracts, papers, books, accounts, and other documents. Subpoenas issued must be signed by the Commissioner and may be served by any sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, or any agent of the Division and return thereof made to the Commissioner. The Commissioner may enforce compliance with a subpoena issued under this subsection by filing a motion to compel in the Superior Court, which shall have jurisdiction over the matter. The court may award costs and attorneys’ fees if it determines that noncompliance with a Commissioner subpoena was unjustified, intentional, or in bad faith.

(8) Act, for purposes of this chapter, as the competent authority in connection with other matters pertinent thereto.

(9) Provide such special seals, labels, and wrappers as deemed necessary for protection of the public against imitations, adulterations, and frauds, and prescribe the proper use of the seals, labels, and wrappers.

(10) Provide such warning signs as may be required by this chapter and distribute such signs to license holders and promulgate regulations with respect to the posting of said signs. The Commissioner may charge a fee to cover printing, handling, and distribution costs.

(11) Coordinate with the Division of Small Business to connect potential marijuana establishments licensed under this chapter with programs that support business development, including farms and programs that support small businesses owned by minorities, women, and veterans.

(12) Establish rules and regulations for the effective collection of data regarding retail sales of marijuana and marijuana products.

(13) Consult with the Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement before adopting or establishing any rules or regulations that concern enforcement.

(14) Oversee and administer the Delaware Medical Marijuana Act under Chapter 49A of Title 16.

(b) The Commissioner’s decision on any appeal or hearing under this chapter must be in writing and is final and conclusive unless a party to such hearing files an appeal within 30 days from the date of the postmark on the Commissioner’s decision by mailing notice of the appeal to the Commissioner’s office. Upon receipt of the appeal, the Commissioner shall notify the chair of the Appeals Commission of the pending appeal and the chair shall convene the Appeals Commission with at least 20 days’ notice to all parties. The Appeals Commission shall hear the appeal and shall: review the matter on the record; act in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act, Chapter 101 of Title 29; and affirm, reverse, or modify the decision of the Commissioner. A decision of the Commissioner may only be reversed upon a finding of abuse of discretion.

(c) The Commissioner may appear before the Appeals Commission for any appeal of a Commissioner’s decision and may appeal any decision of the Appeals Commission or any decision of the Superior Court on appeal from the Appeals Commission.

84 Del. Laws, c. 24, § 484 Del. Laws, c. 300, § 284 Del. Laws, c. 301, § 5

§ 1323. Oath of Office of Commissioner and employees.

The Commissioner, members of the Appeals Commission, and any hearing officer shall, on entering office, take the oath or affirmation set forth in Article XIV of the Delaware Constitution. Any other employee may be required to take the oath or affirmation set forth in Article XIV of the Delaware Constitution at the discretion of the Secretary of the Department of Safety and Homeland Security.

84 Del. Laws, c. 24, § 4

§ 1324. Conflict of interest.

(a) The Commissioner, members of the Appeals Commission, and any hearing officer or such person’s spouse, or such person’s parent, or child residing at such person’s residence, may not have a financial interest in any entity that sells, manufactures, cultivates, or uses marijuana; provided, however, such persons may invest in mutual funds or similar financial instruments that hold no more than a 10% interest in any such entity.

(b) Neither the Commissioner nor any person employed in the office of the Commissioner shall receive any commission or profit whatsoever from, or have any interest whatsoever in a business licensed under this chapter to cultivate, manufacture, purchase, or sell marijuana or marijuana products; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall prevent the Commissioner, a member of the Appeals Commission, a hearing officer, or an employee from purchasing and keeping marijuana or marijuana products for the personal use of one’s self or members of one’s family or one’s guests if such purchase is otherwise permitted by this chapter.

(c) The Commissioner and the members of the Appeals Commission shall annually file the financial report required under § 5813 of Title 29 with the Public Integrity Commission.

84 Del. Laws, c. 24, § 484 Del. Laws, c. 42, § 1

§ 1325. Commissioner’s statement of interest in marijuana business.

When notified of appointment as Commissioner or to the Appeals Commission, the individual so notified shall furnish in duplicate and in writing to the Governor and to the President Pro Tempore of the Senate a statement of every interest, direct or indirect, and however small, held or owned by the individual as a member or as a stockholder in any partnership, corporation, or other association engaged in the sale or in the cultivation or manufacture of marijuana or marijuana products or in any undertaking, industry, or business in which marijuana or marijuana products are used or required. Prior to taking the oath of office, the Commissioner and members of the Appeals Commission must wholly and fully dispose of all interests, except those permitted by § 1324 of this title. One copy of the statement must be inserted in the permanent records of the office of the Commissioner open to public inspection.

84 Del. Laws, c. 24, § 4

§ 1326. Employees of the Division; Commissioner.

The Department of Safety and Homeland Security shall: appoint, employ, or dismiss every officer or employee, not appointed by the Governor, necessary for carrying out the work of the Division, Appeals Commission, and Commissioner; establish salaries, subject to the annual appropriation in the Budget Act; and assign official titles and duties. The Department may engage the services of experts and persons engaged in the practice of a relevant profession. At the discretion of the Secretary of the Department of Safety and Homeland Security, officers and employees of the Division: shall have the police powers of constables and other police officers of the State, counties, and other subdivisions of the State; shall be conservators of the peace throughout the State; shall be eligible for certification by the Police Officer Standards and Training Commission; and may suppress all acts of violence and enforce the provisions of this chapter.

84 Del. Laws, c. 24, § 484 Del. Laws, c. 149, § 17

§ 1327. Property and profits of the office of the Commissioner.

All property owned by the office of the Commissioner and all associated profits are the property of the State.

84 Del. Laws, c. 24, § 4