

CHAPTER 86. Delaware Advisory Council on Career and Technical Education

§ 8601. Purpose.

(a) It is the purpose of the General Assembly of the State, through this chapter, to establish and maintain the Delaware Advisory Council on Career and Technical Education, referred to as “DACCTE” throughout this chapter. DACCTE is established to advise the Governor, General Assembly, Secretary of Education, and the State Board of Education on all matters pertaining to career and technical education with emphasis on recommending policies and initiatives that should be pursued to strengthen and modernize the career and technical education delivery system.

(b) Further, it is the intent and purpose of the General Assembly to provide an objective agency to conduct evaluations and program reviews and serve as a clearinghouse for state and national information on career and technical education, to provide citizens of this State access to the experience and judgment of lay and professional groups from the fields of employment and education in the formation of public policies.

14 Del. C. 1953, §  8601;  59 Del. Laws, c. 204, §  175 Del. Laws, c. 44, §  182 Del. Laws, c. 206, § 1

§ 8602. Membership.

(a) (1) The Governor shall appoint all voting DACCTE members, who serve at the Governor’s pleasure. The voting members must represent, at a minimum, the following:

a. An individual knowledgeable about the vocational needs and the problems of management and labor in the State.

b. An individual representing an industrial and economic development agency.

c. An individual representing an institution of higher education.

d. An individual representing an institution that provides programs of career and technical education and training.

e. An individual knowledgeable about programs in technical and career education.

f. An individual representing a school board.

g. An individual knowledgeable about students with disabilities.

h. An individual representing business and industry and familiar with current and projected employment opportunities.

i. An individual representing a career and technical student organization.

j. An individual representing the Delaware National Guard.

k. An individual representing the general public, with a demonstrated interest in public education.

l. An individual to serve as chair.

(2) The Governor may not appoint a member to represent more than 2 of the membership qualifications under paragraph (a)(1) of this section.

(3) The Secretary of the Department of Education shall appoint the following nonvoting DACCTE members:

a. A representative of the Department of Education.

b. A student enrolled in a Delaware career and technical education program, whose term is for 1 school year. The Secretary shall consider geographical and other diversities in appointing this member.

(b) A member may be removed by the member’s appointing authority for gross inefficiency, misfeasance, nonfeasance, malfeasance, or neglect of duty in office. A member is deemed in neglect of duty if the member is absent from 3 consecutive, regular Board meetings or attends less than 50% of Board meetings in a calendar year. The member’s appointing authority may consider the member to have resigned, and may accept the member’s resignation.

14 Del. C. 1953, §  8602;  59 Del. Laws, c. 204, §  170 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  175 Del. Laws, c. 44, §  182 Del. Laws, c. 206, § 2

§ 8603. Duties and responsibilities.

DACCTE shall do all of the following:

(1) Advise policymakers on the development of the State Plan for Career and Technical Education and amendments to the State Plan.

(2) Recommend policies that the State should pursue to strengthen career and technical education and related initiatives.

(3) Evaluate career and technical education programs, services, activities, and career initiatives throughout the State.

(4) Provide technical assistance to local school districts, agencies, and other organizations to enhance and improve the career and technical education delivery system.

(5) Analyze and report on the distribution of funds for career and technical education and on the availability of career and technical education activities and services within the State.

(6) Promote coordination, collaboration, and effective partnerships among business, industry, labor, education, and employment and training programs to help meet the economic needs of the State.

(7) Disseminate relevant career information to teachers, counselors, students, and the general public.

(8) Schedule and conduct at least 4 regular meetings each year at which the public is given opportunity to express views concerning career and technical education. The Council shall determine the time, place, and manner of meeting.

14 Del. C. 1953, §  8603;  59 Del. Laws, c. 204, §  170 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  171 Del. Laws, c. 180, §  19175 Del. Laws, c. 44, §  182 Del. Laws, c. 206, § 3

§ 8604. Acceptance of and compliance with federal and state legislation and regulations.

(a) DACCTE shall comply with the federal Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV) [20 U.S.C. § 2301 et seq.] and subsequent reauthorization thereof. DACCTE is subject to requirements of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006, implementing regulations thereto, and any state laws or regulations related to career and technical education. As used in this title, “career and technical education” has the same meaning as “vocational-technical education.”

(b) The State Treasurer is the fiscal agent for DACCTE and shall make disbursements upon the order of the Council to carry out its functions.

14 Del. C. 1953, §  8604;  59 Del. Laws, c. 204, §  175 Del. Laws, c. 44, §  179 Del. Laws, c. 83, §  382 Del. Laws, c. 206, § 4

§ 8605. Member reimbursement.

Members serve without pay and may be reimbursed for travel in connection with their responsibilities.

14 Del. C. 1953, §  8605;  59 Del. Laws, c. 204, §  175 Del. Laws, c. 44, §  182 Del. Laws, c. 206, § 5

§ 8606. Staff.

The Council may obtain the services of professional, technical, and clerical personnel and to contract for such services as may be necessary to carry out the duties and responsibilities of this chapter.

14 Del. C. 1953, §  8606;  59 Del. Laws, c. 204, §  175 Del. Laws, c. 44, §  182 Del. Laws, c. 206, § 6

§ 8607. Meetings; quorum.

(a) DACCTE shall schedule no less than 3 meetings per year after regular business hours at locations in each of the 3 counties of this State.

(b) A majority of the voting DACCTE members must be present at a meeting in order to have a quorum and conduct official business. The nonvoting members or a vacant position are not counted for quorum purposes.

82 Del. Laws, c. 206, § 7

§ 8608. School monitoring.

DACCTE shall do all of the following:

(1) Create a 2-year, rotating career and technical education program monitoring schedule.

(2) Conduct on-site monitoring visits of schools.

(3) Post all final reports regarding the program monitoring under this chapter to DACCTE’s website.

82 Del. Laws, c. 206, § 7

§ 8609. Annual report [Effective until Nov. 6, 2024].

(a) DACCTE shall produce an annual report that includes all of the following:

(1) Advocacy efforts made to lawmakers and school administrators on behalf of career and technical education students.

(2) a. A copy of that year’s issue of the annual publication, Career Compass.

b. A list of recipients of both the print and digital versions of Career Compass. The list must include the names of specific entities that receive Career Compass, but may not include the names of specific individuals, unless the individual receives a Career Compass by virtue of the individual’s position.

(3) A needs assessment of statewide career and technical education programming.

(4) The reports from all on-site monitoring visits to programs conducted under § 8608 of this title.

(5) Written procedure if an on-site monitoring visit requires follow up.

(6) Advocacy efforts to provide career and technical education students and their families with timely information regarding educational, employment, and training opportunities.

(b) DACCTE shall submit the annual report under this section to the Governor, the General Assembly, the Department of Education’s Director of Career and Technical Education, and the Director and Librarian of the Division of Research of Legislative Council.

82 Del. Laws, c. 206, § 783 Del. Laws, c. 135, § 1

§ 8609. Annual report [Effective Nov. 6, 2024].

(a) DACCTE shall produce an annual report that includes all of the following:

(1) Advocacy efforts made to lawmakers and school administrators on behalf of career and technical education students.

(2) a. A copy of that year’s issue of the annual publication, Career Compass.

b. A list of recipients of both the print and digital versions of Career Compass. The list must include the names of specific entities that receive Career Compass, but may not include the names of specific individuals, unless the individual receives a Career Compass by virtue of the individual’s position.

(3) A needs assessment of statewide career and technical education programming.

(4) The reports from all on-site monitoring visits to programs conducted under § 8608 of this title.

(5) Written procedure if an on-site monitoring visit requires follow up.

(6) Advocacy efforts to provide career and technical education students and their families with timely information regarding educational, employment, and training opportunities.

(b) DACCTE shall submit the annual report under this section to the Governor, the General Assembly, the Department of Education’s Director of Career and Technical Education, and the Director and the Librarian of the Division of Legislative Services.

82 Del. Laws, c. 206, § 783 Del. Laws, c. 135, § 184 Del. Laws, c. 255, § 20