Crimes and Criminal Procedure

Law-Enforcement Administration

CHAPTER 85. State Bureau of Identification

Subchapter I. General Provisions

§ 8501. Purpose of subchapter.

(a) The purpose of this subchapter is to create and maintain an accurate and efficient criminal justice information system in Delaware consistent with this chapter and applicable federal law and regulations, the need of criminal justice agencies and courts of the State for accurate and current criminal history record information, and the right of individuals to be free from improper and unwarranted intrusions into their privacy.

(b) In order to achieve this result, the General Assembly finds that there is a need:

(1) To designate the State Bureau of Identification as the central state repository for criminal history record information;

(2) To require the rapid identification, classification and filing of fingerprints;

(3) To require the reporting of accurate, relevant and current information to the central repository by all criminal justice agencies;

(4) To insure that criminal history record information is kept accurate and current; and

(5) To prohibit the improper dissemination of such information.

(c) This subchapter is intended to provide a basic statutory framework within which these objectives can be attained.

63 Del. Laws, c. 188, §  1

§ 8502. Definitions.

The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this subchapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

(1) “Administration of criminal justice” shall mean performance of any of the following activities: Detection, apprehension, detention, pretrial release, posttrial release, prosecution, adjudication, correction supervision, or rehabilitation of accused persons or criminal offenders, criminal identification activities, and the collection, storage and dissemination of criminal history record information.

(2) “Conviction data” means any criminal history record information relating to an arrest which has led to a conviction or other disposition adverse to the subject. “Conviction or other disposition adverse to the subject” means any disposition of charges, except a decision not to prosecute, a dismissal or acquittal; provided, however, that a dismissal entered after a period of probation, suspension or deferral of sentence shall be considered a disposition adverse to the subject.

(3) “Criminal history background check” means the acquisition of state or federal criminal history record information for an individual.

(4) “Criminal history record information” shall mean information collected by state or federal criminal justice agencies on individuals consisting of identifiable descriptions and notations of arrests, detentions, indictments, informations or other formal criminal charges and any disposition arising therefrom, sentencing, correctional supervision and release. “Criminal history record information” shall include the names and identification numbers of police, probation, and parole officers, and such information shall not be within the definition of a “public record” for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act, Chapter 100 of Title 29. Pursuant to the provisions of this subchapter, upon application the State Bureau of Identification shall release to members of the news media, and to individuals and agencies as defined by this subchapter, a random number that is unique and permanent to each arresting officer as a surrogate for the officer’s agency or department-issued identification number. The term does not include identification information such as fingerprint records to the extent that such information does not indicate involvement of the individual in the criminal justice system. Nor shall the term include information contained in:

a. Posters, announcements or lists for identifying or apprehending fugitives or wanted persons;

b. Original records of entry such as police blotters or other electronically stored information sources maintained by criminal justice agencies which are required by law with long-standing custom to be made public. Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, the arresting criminal justice agency may disclose to the public arrest data that is reasonably contemporaneous to the event for which an individual is currently involved in the criminal justice system;

c. Court records of public judicial proceedings;

d. Published court or administrative opinions or public judicial, administrative or legislative proceedings;

e. Records of traffic offenses maintained by the Division of Motor Vehicles for the purpose of regulating the issuance, supervision, revocation or renewal of driver’s, pilot’s or other operator’s licenses;

f. Announcements of executive clemency.

(5) “Criminal justice agency” shall mean:

a. Every court of this State and of every political subdivision thereof;

b. A government agency or any sub-unit thereof which performs the administration of criminal justice pursuant to statute or executive order, and which allocates a substantial part of its annual budget to the administration of criminal justice. Such agencies shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

1. The Delaware State Police.

2. All law-enforcement agencies and police departments of any political subdivision of this State.

3. The State Department of Justice.

4. The Office of the Solicitor of the City of Wilmington.

5. The Delaware Criminal Justice Information System, Office of the Director.

6. The Department of Correction.

7. The Division of Youth Rehabilitative Services.

8. The Division of Family Services.

9. The Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement.

10. The Federal Bureau of Investigation.

11. The Division of Professional Regulation.

12. The Office of Animal Welfare.

13. The Division of Management Support Services in the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families.

14. The Office of the Child Advocate.

(6) “Criminal Justice Information System” shall mean the computer hardware, software and communications network managed, operated and/or maintained for the Delaware Criminal Justice Information System.

(7) “Disposition” shall include, but not be limited to, trial verdicts of guilty or not guilty, nolle prosequis, Attorney General probations, pleas of guilty or nolo contendere, dismissals, incompetence to stand trial, findings of delinquency or nondelinquency and initiation and completion of appellate proceeding.

(8) “Dissemination” shall mean the transmission of criminal history record information, or the confirmation of the existence or nonexistence of such information. The term shall not include:

a. Internal use of information by an officer or employee of the agency which maintains such information;

b. Transmission of information to the State Bureau of Identification;

c. Transmission of information to another criminal justice agency in order to permit the initiation of subsequent criminal justice proceedings;

d. Transmission of information in response to inquiries from criminal justice agencies via authorized system terminals, which agencies provide and/or maintain the information through those terminals.

e. Whenever a “peace officer” as defined in § 1901 of this title or an “emergency-care provider” as defined in § 2503A of Title 16 alerts a school district or charter school about the presence of a minor child or a child that has reached the age of 18 that continues to be enrolled in high school that has been identified at the scene of a traumatic event. The peace officer or emergency-care provider may only release the student’s name directly to the school district or charter school and state that the student was present at the scene of a traumatic event.

(9) “FBI criminal history systems” shall mean the electronic clearinghouse of crime data accessible to criminal justice agencies nationwide that is maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

(10) “Governmental agency” shall mean any agency of the government of the United States or the State of Delaware or any political subdivision thereof. It does not include a private individual, any private corporate entity or other nongovernmental entity.

(11) “Law-enforcement officer” shall include police officers, special investigators pursuant to § 9016 of Title 29, the Attorney General and the Attorney General’s deputies, state fire marshals, municipal fire marshals that are graduates of a Delaware Police Academy which is accredited/authorized by the Police Officer Standards and Training Commission, sworn members of the City of Wilmington Fire Department who have graduated from a Delaware Police Academy which is authorized/accredited by the Police Officer Standards and Training Commission, environmental protection officers, enforcement agents of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, environmental protection officers, enforcement agents of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, sheriffs and their regular deputies, agents of the State Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement, correctional officers, animal welfare officers of the Office of Animal Welfare, and constables. For purposes of this subchapter, sheriffs and their regular deputies shall not have any arrest authority.

(12) “Nonconviction data” means arrest information without disposition if an interval of 1 year has elapsed from the date of arrest and no active prosecution of the charge is pending, or information disclosing that the police have elected not to refer a matter to a prosecutor, or that a prosecutor has elected not to commence criminal proceedings, or that proceedings have been indefinitely postponed, as well as all acquittals and all dismissals.

(13) “Rap Back System” shall mean a service maintained by the FBI to provide authorized noncriminal and criminal justice agencies ongoing status notifications of any criminal history subsequently reported to the FBI in its criminal history system after the initial criminal or civil transaction thus eliminating the need for repeated background checks on a person from the same applicant agency.

(14) “Recipient agency” means any government agency which is directed or authorized by law to conduct a criminal history background check for the purposes of employing or licensing any individual in this State.

(15) “Release status” shall mean information concerning whether or not an individual is incarcerated and the reason therefor, which shall include but is not limited to information concerning releases on bail, or on own recognizance, commitments in default of bail, referrals to other agencies, decision of prosecutors not to commence or to postpone criminal proceedings, release from institutions and any conditions imposed concerning those released.

63 Del. Laws, c. 188, §  165 Del. Laws, c. 452, §§  1-368 Del. Laws, c. 101, §  170 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  171 Del. Laws, c. 199, §§  12, 1371 Del. Laws, c. 205, §  172 Del. Laws, c. 50, §  172 Del. Laws, c. 371, §  372 Del. Laws, c. 379, §§  4, 573 Del. Laws, c. 249, §  373 Del. Laws, c. 252, §§  1-574 Del. Laws, c. 224, §  174 Del. Laws, c. 250, §  277 Del. Laws, c. 326, §  178 Del. Laws, c. 266, §  580 Del. Laws, c. 200, § 681 Del. Laws, c. 348, § 182 Del. Laws, c. 165, § 183 Del. Laws, c. 492, § 184 Del. Laws, c. 149, § 8

§ 8503. Function; administration; appointment of Director.

(a) The State Bureau of Identification, hereinafter referred to as the “Bureau,” is continued within the Division of State Police. The Bureau shall be the central state repository for criminal history record information (CHRI) and such additional information as specified in this subchapter.

(b) Subject to this subchapter, the Bureau shall be administered by the Superintendent of State Police. It shall be equipped and maintained by the State Police as a separate budget unit within the Department of Safety and Homeland Security.

(c) The Superintendent of State Police shall appoint, subject to the approval of the Department of Safety and Homeland Security, a Director of the Bureau. The Director shall be a regularly appointed member of State Police, who shall be trained and experienced in the classification and filing of fingerprints, and the Director and all other employees of the Bureau shall be subject to the same rules and regulations governing the State Police.

(d) A representative of the Bureau to be designated by the Superintendent shall be a member of any board or regulatory body established for the collection, retention and dissemination of criminal history information.

42 Del. Laws, c. 181, §  1;  11 Del. C. 1953, §  8501;  57 Del. Laws, c. 670, §§  4A, 4B63 Del. Laws, c. 188, §  170 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  174 Del. Laws, c. 110, §  138

§ 8504. Personnel.

The Bureau personnel shall consist of regular appointed members of the State Police, and such other personnel as may be deemed necessary to carry out this chapter. The personnel so appointed shall each be experienced in the work to be performed by them.

42 Del. Laws, c. 181, §  2;  11 Del. C. 1953, §  8502;  63 Del. Laws, c. 188, §  1

§ 8505. Duty to provide security of criminal history record information and security investigations.

(a) The Director shall provide security of criminal history record information contained in the facilities of the Bureau.

(b) The Director shall establish procedures to assure that Bureau records, under the control or custody of any authorized agency, shall be protected from unauthorized access, disclosure or dissemination.

(c) Each employee of the Bureau working with or having access to criminal history record information shall be made familiar with the substance and intent of this chapter.

(d) Direct access to criminal history record information from the Bureau shall be available only to authorized officers or employees of a criminal justice agency, and, as necessary, to other authorized personnel essential to the proper operation of the criminal history record information system.

(e) The Director shall be responsible for investigations of violations of this chapter.

63 Del. Laws, c. 188, §  168 Del. Laws, c. 101, §  2

§ 8506. Duty to maintain complete and accurate records; performance of annual audit.

(a) The Bureau shall maintain in a complete and accurate manner information received pursuant to this subchapter to the maximum extent feasible.

(b) Any and all criminal history records and other information which is transmitted directly by computer terminal by a criminal justice agency shall be deemed to have been transmitted to the Bureau within the meaning of this subchapter.

(c) The Bureau shall file all information received by it and shall make a systematic record and index thereof, to the end of providing a method of convenient reference and consultation. No information identifying a person received by the Bureau may be destroyed by it until 10 years after the person identified is known or reasonably believed to be dead, or until that person reaches age 80 or reaches age 75 with no criminal activity listed on the person’s record in the past 40 years, whichever shall first occur, except as otherwise provided by statute.

(d) A criminal justice agency shall, upon finding inaccurate criminal history record information of a material nature, notify all criminal justice agencies, and all other persons and agencies, known to have received such information.

(e) When a criminal justice agency receives notification that an inaccuracy appears in criminal history record information having originated with that agency, such agency shall take appropriate steps to correct the inaccuracy.

(f) The Bureau shall assure that an annual audit is conducted of a representative sample of agencies accessing or maintaining data files as provided in this subchapter. This audit shall encompass both manual and computerized data systems, and shall be conducted at such time and according to procedures as the Bureau shall prescribe. A full report of the findings of each audit made pursuant to this subsection shall be communicated to the individual agency so audited.

42 Del. Laws, c. 181, §  9;  11 Del. C. 1953, §  8509;  63 Del. Laws, c. 188, §  167 Del. Laws, c. 379, §  170 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  1

§ 8507. Information to be supplied by law-enforcement officers.

(a) Every law-enforcement officer of the State and of any political subdivision thereof shall transmit to the Bureau:

(1) Within 48 hours after the arrest of any individual, the names, fingerprints if taken and such other data as the Director may from time to time prescribe of all individuals arrested for a criminal offense, including, but not limited to:

a. An indictable offense, or such nonindictable offense as is, or may hereafter be, included in the compilations of the United States Department of Justice;

b. Being a fugitive from justice;

(2) The fingerprints, photographs and other data prescribed by the Director concerning unidentified dead persons;

(3) The fingerprints, photographs and other data prescribed by the Director of all individuals making application for a permit to buy or possess illegal weapons or firearms or to carry concealed a deadly weapon;

(4) A record of the indictable offenses and such nonindictable offenses as are committed within the jurisdiction of the reporting officer, including a statement of the facts of the offense and a description of the offender, so far as known, the offender’s method of operation, changes in release status and such other information as the Director may require;

(5) Copies of such reports as are required by law to be made, and as shall be prescribed by the Director, to be made by pawnshops, second-hand dealers and dealers in weapons.

(b) All photographs submitted of individuals described in this section shall be of a recent date, taken while such individuals are attired in civilian clothes.

42 Del. Laws, c. 181, §§  3, 6;  11 Del. C. 1953, §§  8503, 8506;  61 Del. Laws, c. 321, §  163 Del. Laws, c. 188, §  1

§ 8508. Information to be supplied by court officials.

Every court of this State or of any political subdivision thereof having original or appellate jurisdiction over indictable offenses, or over such nonindictable offenses as are herein mentioned, shall transmit to the Bureau in such manner as the Director shall designate such information regarding every indictment, information, petitions or complaints of delinquency, or other formal criminal charge, and every change in release status, disposition and sentencing made thereof within 90 days of said action.

42 Del. Laws, c. 181, §  4;  11 Del. C. 1953, §  8504;  63 Del. Laws, c. 188, §  168 Del. Laws, c. 101, §  3

§ 8509. Information to be supplied by heads of institutions.

Every person in responsible charge of an institution to which there are committed individuals convicted of crime, or persons declared to be not guilty by reason of mental illness, or declared incompetent to stand trial for criminal offenses or involuntarily committed for mental illness pursuant to Chapter 50 of Title 16, shall:

(1) Transmit to the Bureau the names, dates of birth and Social Security numbers of all adults so committed and shall report any subsequent change in release status. Every person in responsible charge of such institutions shall also forward to the Bureau the names and photographs of all individuals who are to be discharged from such institutions, after having been confined in such institutions. Such photographs shall be taken immediately before release of such individuals, and the individual shall be attired in civilian clothes.

(2) Pursuant to § 1448A of this title, cause to be transmitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Instant Criminal Background Check System, such information as may be required to comply with federal laws and regulations relating to background checks for the purchase or transfer of firearms.

42 Del. Laws, c. 181, §  5;  11 Del. C. 1953, §  8505;  63 Del. Laws, c. 188, §  169 Del. Laws, c. 224, §  270 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  178 Del. Laws, c. 137, §§  3, 4

§ 8510. Information to be supplied by Department of Correction and Division of Youth Rehabilitative Services.

The Department of Correction and the Division of Youth Rehabilitative Services shall, within 48 hours, transmit to the Bureau:

(1) The names, fingerprints, photographs and other data prescribed by the Director, concerning all persons who are received or committed to such penal institution, or who are placed on parole or probation for any offense. Such photographs shall be of a recent date, and taken while such individuals are attired in civilian clothes;

(2) The names and photographs of all prisoners who are to be released or discharged from such institutions, after having been confined in such institutions. Such photographs shall be taken immediately before release of such persons, and the person shall be attired in civilian clothes;

(3) Notice of all paroles granted, revoked or completed, changes in release status, conditional releases, commutations of sentence, pardons and deaths of all persons described in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this section.

63 Del. Laws, c. 188, §  165 Del. Laws, c. 452, §  470 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  1

§ 8510A. Information to be supplied by Division of Professional Regulation.

The Division of Professional Regulation shall transmit to the Bureau, in such manner as the Director shall designate, certain information regarding the Division’s investigations, civil enforcement actions or complaints, and changes in license status when such information is related to alleged criminal conduct. By December 27, 2010, the Division, in cooperation with the Executive Director of the Delaware Criminal Justice Information System, shall promulgate regulations governing what information the Division must supply to the Bureau, and the time period in which it must do so.

77 Del. Laws, c. 326, §  2

§ 8511. Time period for submission of required information.

If no time period is prescribed in this subchapter for the submission of information to the Bureau, the information required shall be submitted within such time period and in such manner as the Director shall designate.

42 Del. Laws, c. 181, §  7;  11 Del. C. 1953, §  8507;  63 Del. Laws, c. 188, §  1

§ 8512. Access to institutions and public records.

Any employee of the Bureau, upon written authorization by the Director, may enter any correctional center or mental institution to take or cause to be taken fingerprints or photographs or to conduct investigations relative to any person confined therein, for the purpose of obtaining information which may lead to the identification of criminals; and every person who has charge or custody of public records or documents from which it may reasonably be supposed that information described in this subchapter can be obtained, shall grant access thereto to any employee of the Bureau upon written authorization by the Director or shall produce such records or documents for the inspection and examination of such employee.

42 Del. Laws, c. 181, §  8;  11 Del. C. 1953, §  8508;  63 Del. Laws, c. 188, §  1

§ 8513. Dissemination of criminal history record information.

(a) Upon application, the Bureau shall furnish a copy of all information available pertaining to the identification and criminal history of any person or persons of whom the Bureau has a record to:

(1) Criminal justice agencies and/or courts of the State or of any political subdivision thereof or to any similar agency and/or court in any State or of the United States or of any foreign country for purposes of the administration of criminal justice and/or criminal justice employment;

(2) Any person or the person’s attorney of record who requests a copy of the person’s own Delaware criminal history record, provided that such person:

a. Submits to a reasonable procedure established by standards set forth by the Superintendent of the State Police to identify one’s self as the person whose record this individual seeks; and

b. Pays a reasonable fee as set by the Superintendent, payable to the Delaware State Police;

(3) The Office of Defense Services when requesting information about an individual for whom the Office of Defense Services is attorney of record;

(4) The Commissioner of Elections when requesting the results of a criminal history background check concerning an individual who seeks to become a candidate for an elected office and, who is required to obtain a criminal history background check under Title 15.

(b) Upon application, the Bureau shall, based on the availability of resources and priorities set by the Superintendent of State Police, furnish information pertaining to the identification and criminal history of any person or persons of whom the Bureau has a record, provided that the requesting agency or individual submits to a reasonable procedure established by standards set forth by the Superintendent of the State Police to identify the person whose record is sought. These provisions shall apply to the dissemination of criminal history record information to all of the following:

(1) Individuals and public bodies for any purpose authorized by Delaware state statute or executive order, court rule or decision or order.

(2) Individuals and agencies pursuant to a specific agreement with a criminal justice agency to provide services required for the administration of criminal justice pursuant to that agreement. Said agreement shall embody an agency agreement as prescribed in § 8611 of this title.

(3) Individuals and agencies for the express purpose of research, evaluative, or statistical activities pursuant to a specific agreement with a criminal justice agency. Said agreement shall embody an agency agreement as prescribed in 8611 of this title.

(4) Individuals and agencies for purposes of international travel.

(5) Individuals and agencies required to provide a security clearance for matters of national security.

(c) Upon application the Bureau may, based upon the availability of resources and priorities set by the Superintendent of State Police, furnish information pertaining to the identification and conviction data of any person or persons of whom the Bureau has record, provided that the requesting agency or individual submits to a reasonable procedure established by standard set forth by the Superintendent of State Police to identify the person whose record is sought. These provisions shall apply to the dissemination of conviction data to:

(1) Individuals and agencies for the purpose of employment of the person whose record is sought, provided:

a. The requesting individual or agency pays a reasonable fee as set by the Superintendent, payable to the Delaware State Police; and

b. The use of the conviction data shall be limited to the purpose for which it was given;

(2) Members of the news media, provided that the use of conviction data shall be limited to the purpose for which it was given, and the requesting media or news agency pays a reasonable fee as set by the Superintendent, payable to the Delaware State Police.

(d) Dissemination of criminal history record information, by any person or agency other than the Bureau or its designee is prohibited. Notwithstanding this prohibition, the dissemination of criminal history record information by any criminal justice agency is authorized:

(1) In those cases in which time is of the essence and the Bureau is technologically incapable of responding within the necessary time period, or

(2) Whenever dissemination of arrest data to members of the public is authorized by this chapter.

(e) Appropriate records of dissemination shall be retained by the Bureau and criminal justice agencies storing, collecting and disseminating criminal history record information to facilitate audits. Such records shall include, but not be limited to, the names of persons and agencies to whom information is disseminated and the date upon which such information is disseminated.

(f) Unless otherwise specified by the court order directing that a record be sealed, such sealing shall not preclude dissemination of the arrest or conviction information concerning the subject of the court order, nor shall it preclude dissemination of the fact a sealed record exists, providing any dissemination made is pursuant to this chapter and Chapter 43 of this title.

(g) Notwithstanding any law or court rule to the contrary, the dissemination to the defendant or defense attorney in a criminal case of criminal history record information pertaining to any juror in such case is prohibited. For the purposes of this subsection, “juror” includes any person who has received notice or summons to appear for jury service. This subsection shall not prohibit the disclosure of such information as may be necessary to investigate misconduct by any juror.

42 Del. Laws, c. 181, §  11;  11 Del. C. 1953, §  8511;  59 Del. Laws, c. 55163 Del. Laws, c. 188, §  170 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  173 Del. Laws, c. 385, §  176 Del. Laws, c. 392, §  577 Del. Laws, c. 348, §  880 Del. Laws, c. 26, §  380 Del. Laws, c. 169, §  1181 Del. Laws, c. 348, § 184 Del. Laws, c. 185, § 1

§ 8513A. Governmental agency access to the Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) [Repealed].
71 Del. Laws, c. 205, §  2repealed by 80 Del. Laws, c. 169, § 11, eff. Aug. 17, 2015.

§ 8514. User agreements [Transferred].

Transferred to § 8611 of this title by 80 Del. Laws, c. 169, § 1, effective August 17, 2015.

§ 8515. Furnishing information of injured or deceased persons.

If a law-enforcement officer or the Division of Forensic Science transmits to the Bureau the identification data of any unidentified deceased or injured person or any person suffering from loss of memory, the Bureau shall furnish to such officer or the Division any information available pertaining to the identification of such person.

42 Del. Laws, c. 181, §  12;  11 Del. C. 1953, §  8512;  63 Del. Laws, c. 188, §  179 Del. Laws, c. 265, §  11

§ 8516. Furnishing information without application.

Although no application for information has been made to the Bureau as provided in § 8513 of this title, the Bureau may transmit such information as the Director, in the Director’s discretion, designates to such persons as are authorized by § 8513 of this title to make application for it and as are designated by the Director.

42 Del. Laws, c. 181, §  13;  11 Del. C. 1953, §  8513;  63 Del. Laws, c. 188, §  170 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  1

§ 8517. Local assistance.

(a) At the request of any officer or official described in §§ 8507, 8509 and 8510 of this title, the Superintendent of State Police may direct the Director to assist such officer:

(1) In the establishment of local identification and record system;

(2) In investigating the circumstances of any crime and in the identification, apprehension and conviction of the perpetrator or perpetrators thereof, and for this purpose may detail such employee or employees of the Bureau, for such length of time as the Director deems fit; and

(3) Without such request the Director shall, at the direction of the Governor, detail such employee or employees, for such time as the Governor deems fit, to investigate any crime within this State, for the purpose of identifying, apprehending and convicting the perpetrator or perpetrators thereof.

(b) The Governor may, in the Governor’s discretion, delegate to the Secretary of Public Safety the powers, duties or functions set forth in this section.

42 Del. Laws, c. 181, §  14;  11 Del. C. 1953, §  8514;  57 Del. Laws, c. 670, §  4C63 Del. Laws, c. 188, §  170 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  1

§ 8518. Scientific crime detection laboratory.

To the end that the Bureau may be able to furnish the assistance and aid specified in § 8517 of this title, the Superintendent of the State Police may direct the Director to organize in the Bureau and maintain therein scientific crime detection laboratory facilities.

42 Del. Laws, c. 181, §  15;  11 Del. C. 1953, §  8515;  63 Del. Laws, c. 188, §  1

§ 8519. Certified copies of records.

Any copy of a record, picture, photograph, fingerprint or other paper or document in the files of the Bureau certified by the Director or the Director’s designee to be a true copy of the original shall be admissible in evidence in any court of this State in the same manner as the original might be.

42 Del. Laws, c. 181, §  16;  11 Del. C. 1953, §  8516;  63 Del. Laws, c. 188, §  170 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  1

§ 8520. Annual report.

The Director shall submit to the Superintendent of State Police an annual report of the conduct of the office. This report shall present summary statistics of the information collected by the Bureau.

42 Del. Laws, c. 181, §  17;  11 Del. C. 1953, §  8517;  63 Del. Laws, c. 188, §  170 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  1

§ 8521. Access to files.

Only employees of the Bureau and persons specifically authorized by the Director shall have access to the files or records of the Bureau. No such file or record or information shall be disclosed by any person so authorized except to officials as in this subchapter provided.

42 Del. Laws, c. 181, §  18;  11 Del. C. 1953, §  8518;  63 Del. Laws, c. 188, §  1

§ 8522. Authority to take fingerprints, photographs and other data.

(a) To the end that the officers and officials described in §§ 8507, 8509, 8510 and 8525 of this title may be enabled to transmit the reports required of them, such officers and officials shall have the authority and duty to take, or cause to be taken, fingerprints, photographs and other data of persons described in such section. A like authority shall be had by employees of the Bureau who are authorized to enter any institution under § 8512 of this title, as to persons confined in such institutions.

(b) Every person arrested for a crime or crimes enumerated in § 8507 of this title shall submit to being fingerprinted, photographed and shall supply such information as required by the Superintendent. Whoever shall fail to comply with this section shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor and shall be punished according to Chapter 42 of this title. The Justice of the Peace Court shall have jurisdiction over violations of this section.

42 Del. Laws, c. 181, §  19;  11 Del. C. 1953, §  8519;  63 Del. Laws, c. 188, §  174 Del. Laws, c. 322, §  6

§ 8523. Penalties.

(a) Whoever intentionally neglects or refuses to make any report lawfully required of the person under this subchapter, or to do or perform any other act so required to be done or performed by the person, or hinders or prevents another from doing an act so required to be done by such person, shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor and shall be punished according to Chapter 42 of this title.

(b) Any person who knowingly and wrongfully destroys or falsifies by addition or deletion any computerized or manual record of the Bureau or of a criminal justice agency, which contains criminal history record information, or who knowingly permits another to do so, shall be guilty of a class E felony and shall be punished according to Chapter 42 of this title.

(c) Any person who knowingly provides CHRI to another for profit is guilty of a class E felony and shall be punished according to Chapter 42 of this title.

(d) Any person who knowingly provides criminal history record information to a person or agency not authorized by this subchapter to receive such information or who knowingly and wrongfully obtains or uses such information shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor and shall be punished according to Chapter 42 of this title.

(e) Conviction of a violation of this section shall be prima facie grounds for removal from employment by the State or any political subdivision thereof, in addition to any fine or other sentence imposed.

42 Del. Laws, c. 181, §§  20, 21;  11 Del. C. 1953, §§  8520, 8521;  63 Del. Laws, c. 188, §  170 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  1

§ 8524. Admissible evidence.

Nothing in this subchapter, or amendments adopted pursuant thereto, shall provide the basis for exclusion or suppression of otherwise admissible evidence in any proceeding before a court, or other official body empowered to subpoena such evidence.

63 Del. Laws, c. 188, §  1

§ 8525. Information voluntarily supplied by individuals.

Whenever a person appears before any of the officers mentioned in § 8507 of this title, and requests an impression of the person’s fingerprints, such mentioned officer shall comply with the request, and make at least 2 copies of the impressions on forms supplied by the Bureau. One copy shall be forwarded to the Federal Bureau of Investigation at Washington, D.C., and 1 copy shall be forwarded promptly to the Bureau, subject to § 8513 of this title, together with any personal identification data obtainable. The Bureau shall accept and file such fingerprints and personal identification data submitted voluntarily by such resident in a separate filing system, for the purpose of securing a more certain and easy identification in case of death, injury, loss of memory or change of appearance.

42 Del. Laws, c. 181, §  10;  11 Del. C. 1953, §  8510;  63 Del. Laws, c. 188, §  170 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  1

§ 8526. Voluntary fingerprinting of certain school children.

(a) The Superintendent of State Police shall provide for the training on a time-available basis of volunteers who are nominated by the board of education of each reorganized school district or board of trustees of each private school from parent teacher associations, parent teacher organizations, citizens’ advisory councils or other involved groups such as the Girls’ Clubs of Delaware, Incorporated, who are involved in student activities or pilot programs dealing with the subject at hand, or as individuals for the purpose of voluntary fingerprinting of pupils in any grades from kindergarten through grade 9. Upon completion of such training prescribed by the Superintendent of State Police, such volunteers may take fingerprints pursuant to this section.

(b) Public and private school officials shall cooperate with the aforesaid organizations in the nomination of volunteers and in setting dates for fingerprinting pupils pursuant to this section and providing school facilities and personnel to assist the volunteers in the fingerprinting process; provided, however, unless otherwise approved by the local board of education that fingerprinting of a pupil shall not occur during school hours for said pupil.

(c) Each school shall provide a form authorizing a pupil’s participation in the fingerprinting program upon the signature of the pupil’s parent or guardian. No pupil shall be fingerprinted unless a signed authorization form is in the possession of school officials or person conducting the fingerprinting.

(d) School officials shall notify the parents or guardians of eligible pupils of the date set for the fingerprinting program at least 2 weeks prior thereto. For purposes of this subsection, “eligible pupils” means pupils who have not been fingerprinted previously pursuant to this section.

(e) Fingerprinting pursuant to this section shall be done on a fingerprint card provided by the school with the form thereof approved by the Superintendent of State Police. In addition to fingerprints the card shall contain the following information: Name, address, race, sex, date of birth, birthplace, height, weight, color of hair, color of eyes, complexion, scars and the name of the parent or guardian of the pupil.

(f) The completed fingerprint card and any duplicate shall be given to the pupil’s parent or guardian. Only upon the request of the pupil’s parent or guardian may a duplicate fingerprint card be made.

64 Del. Laws, c. 201, §  1

§ 8527. Criminal history background checks; state and/or federal CHRI reports; receipt by government agencies; procedures.

(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of the law to the contrary, any recipient agency seeking a criminal history background check for the purposes of employing or licensing any individual in this State pursuant to a statutory mandate or authorization shall submit to the Bureau, in the manner and form designated by the Superintendent of State Police, fingerprints and other necessary information in order to obtain the following:

(1) A report of the individual’s entire state criminal history record information from the Bureau or a statement from the Bureau that the State Bureau of Identification Central Repository contains no such information relating to that person (state CHRI report);

(2) A report of the individual’s entire federal criminal history record information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (federal CHRI report); and

(3) A report of an individual’s subsequent criminal history record information as part of ongoing monitoring and reporting through the Bureau, the FBI’s criminal history systems or the Rap Back System.

(b) Unless otherwise specified by statute, the recipient agency shall pay to the Bureau all fees associated with the acquisition of state and federal CHRI reports.

(c) All CHRI reports obtained pursuant this section shall be forwarded to the recipient agency for review associated with the employment and/or licensing of the individual for whom the CHRI reports are sought. For the purposes of this section the Bureau shall be the intermediary and the recipient agency shall be the screening point for the receipt of CHRI reports.

(d) All CHRI reports obtained pursuant to this section are confidential and may only be disclosed to the chief officer of the recipient agency, or the chief officer’s designee, or to the individual employed by the recipient agency who has been designated by statute to receive CHRI reports. If disclosed to a designee of the chief officer of the recipient agency, then prior to processing any state or federal CHRI reports, said designee shall receive training in confidentiality and shall sign an agreement to keep such information confidential. Notwithstanding the foregoing and unless otherwise specified by statute, any recipient agency to whom a CHRI report has been disclosed pursuant to this section shall review such CHRI report with the individual for whom it was sought upon the individual’s request.

(e) The State Bureau of Identification may release any subsequent CHRI reports to a recipient agency when properly requested. No federal CHRI report shall be disclosed to any private entity at any time except as expressly authorized by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

(f) Information provided to the recipient agency pursuant this section by the individual for whom any CHRI report is being sought shall be accompanied by an oath or affirmation provided by the recipient agency and signed by the individual under penalty of perjury:

(1) Indicating that said information is true and complete to the best of the individual’s knowledge; and

(2) Acknowledging that knowingly and intentionally providing false, incomplete or inaccurate information is a felony.

(g) Any person for whom a CHRI report is being sought pursuant to this section who knowingly and intentionally provides a recipient agency or the Bureau with false, incomplete or inaccurate information shall be guilty of a class F felony and shall be punished according to Chapter 42 of this title. Conviction pursuant to this subsection shall not preclude prosecution for perjury in the second degree pursuant to Chapter 5 of this title.

(h) Fingerprints and other associated information/biometrics collected within this section will be retained for the purpose of continuous comparison to other fingerprints, associated information/biometrics, which are maintained by the Bureau and in the FBI’s Next Generation Identification (NGI) system or its successor systems (including civil, criminal, and latent fingerprint repositories).

(i) This section shall apply to any recipient agency seeking a state or federal CHRI report for the purposes of employing or licensing any individual in this State.

73 Del. Laws, c. 252, §  670 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  181 Del. Laws, c. 348, § 184 Del. Laws, c. 42, § 184 Del. Laws, c. 255, § 1