Delaware General Assembly




Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

Section 1. That Chapter 165 of the Revised Code of Delaware, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out 5564. Section 26 of said Chapter, and by inserting in lieu thereof the following:

5564. Sec. 26. Registration Fees:--Beginning with the registration year 1940, there shall be paid to the Department for the Registration of Motor Vehicles, Trailers, and Semi-Trailers fees according to the following schedule:

For the registration of any Motor-Cycle the fee shall be Four Dollars ($4.00).

For each Motor Vehicle, the use of which is for pleasure or for the chief purpose of carrying persons, excepting Motor Vehicles used for hire, the fee shall be One Dollar and Twenty-five Cents ($1.25) for each five hundred (500) pounds or fraction thereof of the gross load weight of the vehicle up to and including five thousand (5,000) pounds, and in the event the gross load weight shall exceed five thousand (5,000) pounds the fee for each five hundred (500) pounds or fraction thereof over and above five thousand (5,000) pounds shall be One Dollar and Fifty Cents ($1.50). The gross load weight of a vehicle, the use of which is for pleasure or for the chief purpose of carrying persons, shall be ascertained by multiplying the maximum number of persons the vehicle is provided to carry by one hundred and twenty-five (125) pounds and adding the result thereby obtained to the weight of the vehicle as specified in the application.

For other Motor Vehicles, excepting those propelled by Diesel engines, the fee shall be One Dollar and Fifty Cents (01.50) for each five hundred (500) pounds or fraction thereof of the gross load weight of the vehicle up to and including five thousand (5,000) pounds and in the event the gross load weight Shall exceed five thousand (5,000) pounds the fees for each five hundred (500) pounds or fraction thereof over and above five thousand (5,000) pounds shall be Two Dollars ($2.00). The gross load weight shall be the weight of the chassis, body, equipment and maximum allowable load as specified by the application. For Motor Vehicles propelled by Diesel engines the fee shall be twice the amount of the fee as is in this paragraph above provided for other Motor Vehicles.

All Convertible Vehicles shall be registered as Commercial Vehicles and the fee for the registration thereof shall be ascertained upon that gross load weight which shall be the greater whether or not the vehicle is a carrier of persons or a carrier of property.

Beginning with the registration year 1940 the fee for registering motor vehicles at any period between October the first and Mardi the fifteenth of each registration year shall be fifty per cent of those as above enumerated.

The fee for licensed manufacturers or dealers shall be Twenty Dollars (020.00) for the first registration (to cover two sets of plates), and Eight Dollars ($8.00) for each additional set of plates.

All town cars or suburbans registered in this State shall be licensed as commercial cars and any applicant for such license shall specify the maximum load to be transported therein.

Approved April 28, 1939.