Insurance Code


CHAPTER 25. Rates and Rating Organizations

§ 2501. Purpose of chapter; interpretation.

The purpose of this chapter is to promote the public welfare by regulating insurance rates (in accordance with the intent of Congress as expressed in Public Law 15—79th Congress) and to the end that they shall not be excessive, inadequate or unfairly discriminatory and to authorize and regulate cooperative action among insurers in rate making and in other matters within the scope of this chapter. Nothing in this chapter is intended:

(1) To prohibit or discourage reasonable competition; or

(2) To prohibit, or encourage except to the extent necessary to accomplish the aforementioned purpose, uniformity in insurance rates, rating systems, rating plans or practices.

This chapter shall be liberally interpreted to carry into effect this section.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2501;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  1

§ 2502. Scope of chapter.

(a) This chapter applies to all of the following:

(1) Casualty insurance and all forms of motor vehicle insurance, on risks or operations in this State.

(2) Surety insurance.

(3) Fire, marine and inland marine insurance, as used in their generally accepted trade sense, on risks located in this State. Inland marine insurance shall be deemed to include insurance as defined by statute, or by ruling of the Commissioner.

(4) Health insurance, group health insurance, blanket health insurance, Medicare supplement insurance and health service corporations.

(5) Title insurance.

(b) This chapter does not apply to any of the following:

(1) Reinsurance, except joint reinsurance as provided in § 2523 of this title.

(2) Insurance of airborne or waterborne vessels or craft, their cargoes, legal liability of aircraft operators, marine protection and indemnity, or other risks commonly insured under aviation or marine, as distinguished from inland marine, insurance policies.

(3) Life insurance.

(4) Workers’ compensation and related employers’ liability insurance.

(c) Nothing in this chapter shall abridge or restrict the freedom of contract between insurers and agents or brokers with respect to commissions or between insurers and their employees with respect to compensation.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2502;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  160 Del. Laws, c. 388, §§  1, 263 Del. Laws, c. 262, §  370 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  173 Del. Laws, c. 402, §  184 Del. Laws, c. 337, § 1

§ 2503. Making of rates [For applicability of this section, see 81 Del. Laws, c. 108, §  3] [Effective until Jan. 1, 2027].

(a) Rates must be made in accordance with the following provisions:

(1) Manual, minimum, class rates, rating schedules or rating plans shall be made and adopted, except in the case of specific inland marine rates on risks specially rated;

(2) Rates shall not be excessive, inadequate or unfairly discriminatory;

(3) Due consideration shall be given:

a. To past and prospective loss experience within and outside this State;

b. To the conflagration and catastrophe hazards;

c. To a reasonable margin for underwriting profit and contingencies;

d. To dividends, savings or unabsorbed premium deposits allowed or returned by insurers to their policyholders, members or subscribers;

e. To past and prospective expenses both countrywide and those specially applicable to this State;

f. To all other relevant factors within and outside this State; and

g. In the case of fire insurance rates, consideration shall be given to the experience of the fire insurance business during a period of not less than the most recent 5-year period for which such experience is available;

(4) The systems of expense provisions included in the rates for use by any insurer or group of insurers may differ from those of other insurers or groups of insurers to reflect the requirements of the operating methods of any such insurer or group with respect to any kind of insurance, or with respect to any subdivision or combination thereof for which subdivision or combination separate expense provisions are applicable;

(5) Risks may be grouped by classifications for the establishment of rates and minimum premiums. Classification rates may be modified to produce rates for individual risks in accordance with rating plans which establish standards for measuring variations in hazards or expense provisions or both. Such standards may measure any differences among risks which may have a probable effect upon losses or expenses;

(6) The Commissioner shall require a reduction in rates for a 3-year period for any person who voluntarily attends and successfully completes a motor vehicle accident prevention course that is approved by the Division of Motor Vehicles.

a. A motor vehicle accident prevention course under this paragraph (a)(6) must educate an individual taking the course on traffic stops by a law-enforcement officer as required under § 2713(e) of Title 21. A motor vehicle accident prevention course under this paragraph (a)(6) must include at least 2 questions on any test given to an individual taking the course to test the individual’s knowledge of traffic stops by a law-enforcement officer.

b. Motor vehicle accident prevention course instructors that have been certified by the Division of Motor Vehicles are entitled to the same reduction in rates as those individuals that have successfully completed a motor vehicle accident prevention course, in the manner set forth in regulations promulgated under this section.

c. The reduction must be for any individually owned vehicle classified as a private passenger vehicle and must be in proportion to the number who have completed the course in the event that not all members of a group have completed the course.

d. Voluntary attendance does not include any attendance ordered as permitted by a court or required by the Division of Motor Vehicles pursuant to any violations of Title 21;

(7) The Commissioner shall require a reduction in rates for a 3-year period for any person who voluntarily attends and successfully completes a motorcycle rider course that is approved by the Division of Motor Vehicles.

a. A motorcycle rider course under this paragraph (a)(7) must educate an individual taking the course on traffic stops by a law-enforcement officer as required under § 2713(e) of Title 21. A motorcycle rider course under this paragraph (a)(7) must include at least 2 questions on any test given to an individual taking the course to test the individual’s knowledge of traffic stops by a law-enforcement officer.

b. Motorcycle rider course instructors that have been certified by the Division of Motor Vehicles must be entitled to the same reduction in rates as those individuals that have successfully completed a motorcycle rider course, in the manner set forth in regulations promulgated under this section.

c. The reduction must be for any individually owned vehicle classified as a motorcycle and licensed for use on the streets and highways of this State.

d. Voluntary attendance does not include any attendance ordered as permitted by a court or required by the Division of Motor Vehicles pursuant to any violations of Title 21;

(8) The Commissioner shall require insurers to file an actuarially justified reduction in rates for a 3-year period if all operators of a vessel voluntarily attend and successfully complete a boating safety education course which is approved by the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control for the purposes of § 2221 of Title 23. The reduction shall be for any individually owned vessel used exclusively for noncommercial purposes. Voluntary attendance shall not include any attendance ordered as permitted by a court or required by the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control pursuant to any violations of Title 23;

(9) Rate filings concerning automobile collision insurance shall provide for a credit of 5 percent of annual premiums for such coverage for any individually owned vehicle classified as a private passenger vehicle owned by employees participating in an approved Travelink Traffic Mitigation Act program created pursuant to subchapter IV of Chapter 20 of Title 30;

(10) An insurer authorized to do business in Delaware cannot increase a renewal rate for a personal automobile insurance policy based solely on an insured having attained the age of 75 or older;

(11) With respect to personal automobile insurance for an existing insured, an insurer authorized to do business in Delaware may not charge the insured a higher rate solely based upon a change in the insured’s marital status due to the death of a spouse.

(12) a. Rate filings for health benefit plans may not include aggregate unit price growth for nonprofessional services that exceed the following:

1. In 2022, the greater of 3% or Core CPI plus 1%.

2. In 2023, the greater of 2.5% or Core CPI plus 1%.

3. In 2024, 2025, and 2026, the greater of 2% or Core CPI plus 1%.

b. For purposes of this paragraph (a)(12) and paragraphs (a)(13) and (a)(14) of this section:

1. “Core CPI” means the average of the 12 preceding bimonthly indices calculating the over-the-year changes of the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers in the Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington Area, all items less food and energy, developed by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics.

2. “Health benefit plan” means as defined under §§ 3342A(a)(3)a. and 3559(a)(3)a. of this title.

3. “Inpatient hospital” means noncapitated facility services for medical, surgical, maternity, skilled nursing, and other services provided in an inpatient facility setting and billed by the facility.

4. “Nonprofessional services” means services categorized as inpatient hospital, outpatient hospital, and other medical services. “Nonprofessional services” does not include professional services.

5. “Other medical services” means noncapitated ambulance, home health care, durable medical equipment, prosthetics, supplies, and the facility component of vision exams, dental services, and other services when billed separately from the professional component.

6. “Outpatient hospital” means noncapitated facility services for surgery, emergency services, lab, radiology, therapy, observation, and other services provided in an outpatient facility setting and billed by the facility.

7. “Professional services” includes primary care, dental, specialist, therapy, the professional component of laboratory and radiology, and similar services, other than the facility fee component of hospital-based services.

c. The Commissioner shall annually determine the Core CPI by March 31 of the applicable rate filing year using the bimonthly indices ending with the bimonthly index issued in January of the applicable rate filing year.

d. The Commissioner shall annually communicate, under § 312(c) of this title, the determination under paragraph (a)(12)c. of this section to carriers.

(13) All rate filings for health benefit plans subject to §§ 3342B and 3556A of this title must reflect the spending requirements under §§ 3342B(b)(3) and 3556A(b)(3) of this title.

(14) All rate filings by carriers with health benefit plans that cover more than 10,000 members across all fully-insured products must reflect progress with achieving the targets described in § 9903(a)(1) of Title 16, and, at a minimum, must have 50% of total cost of care tied to an alternative payment model contract that meets the Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network (HCP-LAN) Category 3 definition for shared savings or shared savings with downside risk by 2023, with a minimum of 25% total cost of care covered by an alternative payment model contract that meets the definition of HCP-LAN Category 3B, which includes only contracts with downside risk.

(b) Nothing in this section shall be taken to prohibit as unreasonable or unfairly discriminatory the establishment of classifications or modifications of classifications or risks based upon size, expense, management, individual experience, purpose of insurance location or dispersion of hazard or any other reasonable considerations provided such classifications and modifications apply to all risks under the same or substantially similar circumstances or conditions.

(c) Except to the extent necessary to meet the provisions of paragraphs (a)(2) and (9) of this section, uniformity among insurers in any matters within the scope of this section is neither required nor prohibited.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2503;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  163 Del. Laws, c. 175, §  167 Del. Laws, c. 147, §  167 Del. Laws, c. 160, §§  3, 470 Del. Laws, c. 122, §  170 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  179 Del. Laws, c. 250, §  181 Del. Laws, c. 108, § 281 Del. Laws, c. 350, § 583 Del. Laws, c. 237, § 483 Del. Laws, c. 322, § 1

§ 2503. Making of rates [For applicability of this section, see 81 Del. Laws, c. 108, §  3] [Effective Jan. 1, 2027].

(a) Rates must be made in accordance with the following provisions:

(1) Manual, minimum, class rates, rating schedules or rating plans shall be made and adopted, except in the case of specific inland marine rates on risks specially rated;

(2) Rates shall not be excessive, inadequate or unfairly discriminatory;

(3) Due consideration shall be given:

a. To past and prospective loss experience within and outside this State;

b. To the conflagration and catastrophe hazards;

c. To a reasonable margin for underwriting profit and contingencies;

d. To dividends, savings or unabsorbed premium deposits allowed or returned by insurers to their policyholders, members or subscribers;

e. To past and prospective expenses both countrywide and those specially applicable to this State;

f. To all other relevant factors within and outside this State; and

g. In the case of fire insurance rates, consideration shall be given to the experience of the fire insurance business during a period of not less than the most recent 5-year period for which such experience is available;

(4) The systems of expense provisions included in the rates for use by any insurer or group of insurers may differ from those of other insurers or groups of insurers to reflect the requirements of the operating methods of any such insurer or group with respect to any kind of insurance, or with respect to any subdivision or combination thereof for which subdivision or combination separate expense provisions are applicable;

(5) Risks may be grouped by classifications for the establishment of rates and minimum premiums. Classification rates may be modified to produce rates for individual risks in accordance with rating plans which establish standards for measuring variations in hazards or expense provisions or both. Such standards may measure any differences among risks which may have a probable effect upon losses or expenses;

(6) The Commissioner shall require a reduction in rates for a 3-year period for any person who voluntarily attends and successfully completes a motor vehicle accident prevention course that is approved by the Division of Motor Vehicles.

a. A motor vehicle accident prevention course under this paragraph (a)(6) must educate an individual taking the course on traffic stops by a law-enforcement officer as required under § 2713(e) of Title 21. A motor vehicle accident prevention course under this paragraph (a)(6) must include at least 2 questions on any test given to an individual taking the course to test the individual’s knowledge of traffic stops by a law-enforcement officer.

b. Motor vehicle accident prevention course instructors that have been certified by the Division of Motor Vehicles are entitled to the same reduction in rates as those individuals that have successfully completed a motor vehicle accident prevention course, in the manner set forth in regulations promulgated under this section.

c. The reduction must be for any individually owned vehicle classified as a private passenger vehicle and must be in proportion to the number who have completed the course in the event that not all members of a group have completed the course.

d. Voluntary attendance does not include any attendance ordered as permitted by a court or required by the Division of Motor Vehicles pursuant to any violations of Title 21;

(7) The Commissioner shall require a reduction in rates for a 3-year period for any person who voluntarily attends and successfully completes a motorcycle rider course that is approved by the Division of Motor Vehicles.

a. A motorcycle rider course under this paragraph (a)(7) must educate an individual taking the course on traffic stops by a law-enforcement officer as required under § 2713(e) of Title 21. A motorcycle rider course under this paragraph (a)(7) must include at least 2 questions on any test given to an individual taking the course to test the individual’s knowledge of traffic stops by a law-enforcement officer.

b. Motorcycle rider course instructors that have been certified by the Division of Motor Vehicles must be entitled to the same reduction in rates as those individuals that have successfully completed a motorcycle rider course, in the manner set forth in regulations promulgated under this section.

c. The reduction must be for any individually owned vehicle classified as a motorcycle and licensed for use on the streets and highways of this State.

d. Voluntary attendance does not include any attendance ordered as permitted by a court or required by the Division of Motor Vehicles pursuant to any violations of Title 21;

(8) The Commissioner shall require insurers to file an actuarially justified reduction in rates for a 3-year period if all operators of a vessel voluntarily attend and successfully complete a boating safety education course which is approved by the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control for the purposes of § 2221 of Title 23. The reduction shall be for any individually owned vessel used exclusively for noncommercial purposes. Voluntary attendance shall not include any attendance ordered as permitted by a court or required by the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control pursuant to any violations of Title 23;

(9) Rate filings concerning automobile collision insurance shall provide for a credit of 5 percent of annual premiums for such coverage for any individually owned vehicle classified as a private passenger vehicle owned by employees participating in an approved Travelink Traffic Mitigation Act program created pursuant to subchapter IV of Chapter 20 of Title 30;

(10) An insurer authorized to do business in Delaware cannot increase a renewal rate for a personal automobile insurance policy based solely on an insured having attained the age of 75 or older;

(11) With respect to personal automobile insurance for an existing insured, an insurer authorized to do business in Delaware may not charge the insured a higher rate solely based upon a change in the insured’s marital status due to the death of a spouse.

(12) a. [Repealed.]

b. For purposes of this paragraph (a)(12) and paragraphs (a)(13) and (a)(14) of this section:

1. “Core CPI” means the consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, All Items Less Food & Energy, developed by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics.

2. “Health benefit plan” means as defined under §§ 3342A(a)(3)a. and 3559(a)(3)a. of this title.

3. “Inpatient hospital” means noncapitated facility services for medical, surgical, maternity, skilled nursing, and other services provided in an inpatient facility setting and billed by the facility.

4. “Nonprofessional services” means services categorized as inpatient hospital, outpatient hospital, and other medical services. “Nonprofessional services” does not include professional services.

5. “Other medical services” means noncapitated ambulance, home health care, durable medical equipment, prosthetics, supplies, and the facility component of vision exams, dental services, and other services when billed separately from the professional component.

6. “Outpatient hospital” means noncapitated facility services for surgery, emergency services, lab, radiology, therapy, observation, and other services provided in an outpatient facility setting and billed by the facility.

7. “Professional services” includes primary care, dental, specialist, therapy, the professional component of laboratory and radiology, and similar services, other than the facility fee component of hospital-based services.

c., d. [Repealed.]

(13) All rate filings for health benefit plans subject to §§ 3342B and 3556A of this title must reflect the spending requirements under §§ 3342B(b)(3) and 3556A(b)(3) of this title.

(14) All rate filings by carriers with health benefit plans that cover more than 10,000 members across all fully-insured products must reflect progress with achieving the targets described in § 9903(a)(1) of Title 16, and, at a minimum, must have 50% of total cost of care tied to an alternative payment model contract that meets the Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network (HCP-LAN) Category 3 definition for shared savings or shared savings with downside risk by 2023, with a minimum of 25% total cost of care covered by an alternative payment model contract that meets the definition of HCP-LAN Category 3B, which includes only contracts with downside risk.

(b) Nothing in this section shall be taken to prohibit as unreasonable or unfairly discriminatory the establishment of classifications or modifications of classifications or risks based upon size, expense, management, individual experience, purpose of insurance location or dispersion of hazard or any other reasonable considerations provided such classifications and modifications apply to all risks under the same or substantially similar circumstances or conditions.

(c) Except to the extent necessary to meet the provisions of paragraphs (a)(2) and (9) of this section, uniformity among insurers in any matters within the scope of this section is neither required nor prohibited.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2503;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  163 Del. Laws, c. 175, §  167 Del. Laws, c. 147, §  167 Del. Laws, c. 160, §§  3, 470 Del. Laws, c. 122, §  170 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  179 Del. Laws, c. 250, §  181 Del. Laws, c. 108, § 281 Del. Laws, c. 350, § 583 Del. Laws, c. 237, § 483 Del. Laws, c. 322, § 183 Del. Laws, c. 237, § 1483 Del. Laws, c. 322, § 384 Del. Laws, c. 42, § 1

§ 2504. Rate filings.

(a) Every insurer shall file with the Commissioner, except as to inland marine risks which by general custom of the business are not written according to manual rates or rating plans, every manual, minimum, class rate, rating schedule or rating plan and every other rating rule, and every modification of any of the foregoing which it proposes to use. Every such filing shall state the proposed effective date thereof, and shall indicate the character and extent of the coverage contemplated.

(b) When a filing is not accompanied by the information upon which the insurer supports such filing, and the Commissioner does not have sufficient information to determine whether such filing meets the requirements of this chapter he or she shall require the insurer to furnish the information upon which it supports the filing. The information furnished in support of a filing may include:

(1) The experience or judgment of the insurer or rating organization making the filing;

(2) Its interpretation of any statistical data it relies upon; and

(3) The experience of other insurers or rating organizations in conjunction with paragraph (b)(1) of this section; or

(4) Any other relevant factors.

A filing and supporting information shall be open to inspection by parties in interest after the filing becomes effective.

(c) Specific inland marine rates on risks specially rated, made by a rating organization, shall be filed with the Commissioner and shall become effective when filed and shall be deemed approved and in compliance with the requirements of this chapter until such time as the Commissioner rejects the filing.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2504;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  170 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  1

§ 2505. Exemption from filing.

Under such rules and regulations as he or she adopts, the Commissioner may, by written order, suspend or modify the requirement of filing as to any kind of insurance, subdivision or combination thereof, or as to classes of risks, the rates for which cannot practicably be filed before they are used. Such orders, rules and regulations shall be made known to insurers and rating organizations affected thereby. The Commissioner may make such examination as he or she deems advisable to ascertain whether any rates affected by such order meet the standards set forth in § 2503(a)(2) of this title.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2505;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  170 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  1

§ 2506. Effective date of filing.

(a) The Commissioner shall review filings as soon as reasonably possible after they have been made in order to determine whether they meet the requirements of this chapter.

(b) Any special filing with respect to a surety or guaranty bond required by law or by court or executive order or by order, rule or regulation of a public body, not covered by a previous filing, shall become effective when filed and shall be deemed to meet the requirements of this chapter until such time as the Commissioner rejects the filing.

(c) Filings shall be submitted to the Commissioner not less than 60 days prior to the proposed effective date. Except as set forth in subsection (b) of this section and § 2504(c) of this title, a filing shall be deemed to meet the statutory requirements of this chapter at the expiration of the 60-day period following the filing date unless, within 45 days of receipt of the filing, the Commissioner either disapproves the filing or notifies the insurer that additional time is needed to review the filing. If the Commissioner determines that additional time is needed to review a rate filing, then each of the following shall apply:

(1) The Commissioner shall notify the filer that the review of the filing shall be extended up to 90 days after the receipt of the filing, unless the insurer shall agree to a longer term of review.

(2) The filing may not become effective and deemed to meet the statutory requirements of this chapter until the earlier of the Commissioner’s approval of the filing or the expiration of the timeframe provided in the Commissioner’s notice of extended review.

(d), (e) [Repealed.]

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2506;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  164 Del. Laws, c. 380, §§  1, 270 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  177 Del. Laws, c. 93, §  184 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1

§ 2507. Disapproval of filing.

If within 30 days after a specific inland marine rate on a risk specially rated by a rating organization subject to § 2504(b) of this title, or a special surety or guaranty bond subject to § 2506(b) of this title, has become effective, or if upon review of any other filing, the Commissioner finds that such filing does not meet the requirements of this chapter, the Commissioner shall issue an order disapproving the filing and state that a hearing will be granted within 20 days after request in writing by the insurer or rating organization which made such filing. The Commissioner’s order shall specify in what respects the Commissioner finds that such filing fails to meet the requirements of this chapter and, for filings previously in effect, state when, within a reasonable period thereafter, such filing shall be deemed no longer effective. If a rate filing has not gone into effect and is scheduled for a formal administrative hearing under this section, the filing may not become effective until a final order is issued. A final order shall be issued within 60 days after the entire record of the hearing, including any hearing officer’s recommendations and any comments or exceptions thereto, has been presented to the Commissioner for consideration. Copies of the order shall be sent to every such insurer and rating organization. The order shall not affect any contract or policy made or issued prior to the expiration of the period set forth in the order.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2507;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  158 Del. Laws, c. 238, §  170 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  184 Del. Laws, c. 42, § 184 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 2

§ 2508. Limitation of disapproval power.

No manual of classifications, rules, rating plans or any modification of any of the foregoing which establishes standards for measuring variations in hazards or expense provisions or both and which has been filed pursuant to § 2503 of this title shall be disapproved if the rates produced meet the requirements of this chapter.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2508;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  1

§ 2509. Excess rates.

Upon the written application of the insured stating his or her reasons therefor, filed with and approved by the Commissioner, a rate in excess of that provided by a filing otherwise applicable may be used on any specific risk.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2509;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  170 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  1

§ 2510. Filings for members and subscribers of rating organizations authorized.

Insurer may satisfy its obligation to make filings required by § 2503 of this title by becoming a member of, or a subscriber to, a licensed rating organization which makes such filings and by authorizing the Commissioner to accept such filings on its behalf. Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed as requiring any insurer to become a member of or a subscriber to any rating organization.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2510;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  1

§ 2511. Licensing of rating organizations.

(a) No rating organization shall make or file rates for risks located in this State without first being licensed therefor under this chapter.

(b) A corporation, an unincorporated association, a partnership or an individual, whether located within or outside this State, may make application to the Commissioner for license as a rating organization for such kinds of insurance, or subdivision or class of risk or a part or combination thereof as are specified in its application and shall file therewith:

(1) A copy of its constitution, its articles of agreement of association or its certificate of incorporation, and of its bylaws, rules and regulations governing the conduct of its business;

(2) A list of its members and subscribers;

(3) The name and address of a resident of this State upon whom notices or orders of the Commissioner or process affecting such rating organization may be served; and

(4) A statement of its qualifications as a rating organization.

(c) If the Commissioner finds that the applicant is competent, trustworthy and otherwise qualified to act as a rating organization and that its constitution, articles of agreement or association or certificate of incorporation, and its bylaws, rules and regulations governing the conduct of its business conform to the requirements of law, he or she may issue a license specifying the kinds of insurance or subdivision or class of risk or part or combination thereof for which the applicant is authorized to act as a rating organization. Every such application shall be granted or denied in whole or in part by the Commissioner within a reasonable period after the same has been filed with him or her.

(d) Licenses issued pursuant to this section shall remain in effect for 1 year unless sooner suspended or revoked by the Commissioner.

(e) Licenses issued pursuant to this section may be suspended or revoked by the Commissioner, after hearing upon notice, in the event the rating organization ceases to meet the requirements of this section.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2511;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  170 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  1

§ 2512. Subscribers to rating organizations.

(a) Subject to rules and regulations which have been approved by the Commissioner as reasonable, each rating organization shall permit any insurer to be a subscriber to its rating services for any kind of insurance, subdivision or class of risk or a part or combination thereof for which it is authorized to act as a rating organization. Notice of proposed changes in such rules and regulations shall be given to subscribers. Each rating organization shall furnish its rating services without discrimination to its subscribers.

(b) The reasonableness of any rule or regulation in its application to subscribers, or the refusal of any rating organization to admit an insurer as a subscriber, shall, at the request of any subscriber or any such insurer, be reviewed by the Commissioner at a hearing held upon at least 10 days’ written notice to such rating organization and to such subscriber or insurer. If the Commissioner finds that such rule or regulation is unreasonable in its application to subscribers, he or she shall order that such rule or regulation shall not be applicable to subscribers. If the rating organization fails to grant or reject an insurer’s application for subscribership within 30 days after it was made, the insurer may request a review by the Commissioner as if the application had been rejected. If the Commissioner finds that the insurer has been refused admittance to the rating organization as a subscriber without justification, he or she shall order the rating organization to admit the insurer as a subscriber. If he or she finds that the action of the rating organization was justified, he or she shall make an order affirming its action.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2512;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  170 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  1

§ 2513. Notice of changes.

Every rating organization shall notify the Commissioner promptly of every change in:

(1) Its constitution, its articles of agreement or association or its certificate of incorporation and its bylaws, rules and regulations governing the conduct of its business;

(2) Its list of members and subscribers; and

(3) The name and address of the resident of this State designated by it upon whom notices or orders of the Commissioner or process affecting such rating organization may be served.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2513;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  1

§ 2514. Rules not to affect dividends.

No rating organization shall adopt any rule the effect of which would be to prohibit or regulate the payment of dividends, savings or unabsorbed premium deposits allowed or returned by insurers to their policyholders, members or subscribers.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2514;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  1

§ 2515. Technical services.

Any rating organization may subscribe for or purchase actuarial, technical or other services, and such services shall be available to all subscribers without discrimination.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2515;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  1

§ 2516. Examinations and rules.

Any rating organization may provide for the examination of its subscribers’ policies, daily reports, binders, renewal certificates, endorsements or other evidences of insurance, or the cancellation thereof, and may make reasonable rules governing their submission. Such rules shall contain a provision that in the event any insurer does not within 60 days furnish satisfactory evidence to the rating organization of the correction of any error or omission previously called to its attention by the rating organization, the rating organization shall notify the Commissioner thereof. All information so submitted for examination shall be confidential.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2516;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  1

§ 2517. Adherence to filings.

No insurer shall make or issue a contract or policy except in accordance with the filings which are in effect for the insurer as provided in this chapter or in accordance with § 2505 (exemption from filing) or § 2509 (excess rates) of this title. This section shall not apply to contracts or policies for inland marine risks as to which filings are not required.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2517;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  1

§ 2518. Deviations.

(a) Every subscriber to a rating organization shall adhere to the filings made on its behalf by such organization except that any such insurer may make written application to the Commissioner for permission to file a deviation from the class rates, schedules, rating plans, or rules respecting any kind of insurance, or class of risk within a kind of insurance, or combination thereof. Such application shall specify the basis for the modification, and a copy thereof shall also be sent simultaneously to such rating organization.

(b) The Commissioner shall set a time and place for a hearing at which the insurer and such rating organization may be heard and shall give them not less than 10 days’ written notice thereof. If the Commissioner is advised by the rating organization that it does not desire a hearing, he or she may, upon the consent of the applicant, waive such hearings.

(c) In considering the application for permission to file such deviation, the Commissioner shall give consideration to the available statistics and the principles for ratemaking as provided in § 2503 of this title. The Commissioner shall issue an order permitting the deviation for such insurer to be filed if he or she finds it to be justified, and it shall thereupon become effective. He or she shall issue an order denying such application if he or she finds that the modification is not justified or that the resulting premiums would be excessive, inadequate, or unfairly discriminatory.

(d) Each deviation permitted to be filed shall be effective continuously from the date of such permission unless terminated sooner with the approval of the Commissioner or until such time a modification is made to the deviation. All term policies issued pursuant to such deviations may remain in force until their expiring dates.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2518;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  170 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  183 Del. Laws, c. 94, § 1

§ 2519. Appeal from rating organization.

Any subscriber to a rating organization may appeal to the Commissioner from the action or decision of such rating organization in approving or rejecting any proposed change in or addition to the filings of such rating organization.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2519;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  1

§ 2520. Appeal by insurers and others as to filings.

(a) Any person or organization in interest, aggrieved with respect to any filing which is in effect may make written application to the Commissioner for a hearing thereon except that the insurer or rating organization that made the filing shall not be authorized to proceed under this section. Such application shall specify the grounds to be relied upon by the applicant.

(b) If the Commissioner finds that the application is made in good faith, that the applicant would be so aggrieved if his or her grounds are established, and that such grounds otherwise justify holding such a hearing, he or she shall, within 30 days after receipt of such application, hold a hearing upon not less than 10 days’ written notice to the applicant and to every insurer and rating organization which made such filing.

(c) If, after such hearing, the Commissioner finds that the filing does not meet the requirements of this chapter, he or she shall issue an order specifying in what respects he or she finds that such filing fails to meet the requirements of this chapter and stating when, within a reasonable period thereafter, such filing shall be deemed no longer effective. Copies of the order shall be sent to the applicant and to every such insurer and rating organization. The order shall not affect any contract or policy made or issued prior to the expiration of the period set forth in the order.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2520;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  170 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  1

§ 2521. Information to be furnished insured.

Every rating organization and every insurer which makes its own rates shall, within a reasonable time after receiving written request therefor and upon payment of such reasonable charge as it may make, furnish to any insured affected by a rate made by it, or to the authorized representative of such insured, all information as to such rate.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2521;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  1

§ 2522. Advisory organizations.

(a) Every group, association or other organization of insurers, whether located within or outside this State, which assists insurers which make their own filings or rating organizations in rate making, by the collection and furnishing of loss or expense statistics or by the submission of recommendations, but which does not make filings under this chapter shall be known as an advisory organization.

(b) Every advisory organization shall file with the Commissioner:

(1) A copy of its constitution, its articles of agreement or association or its certificate of incorporation and of its bylaws, rules and regulations governing its activities;

(2) A list of its members; and

(3) The name and address of a resident of this State upon whom notice or orders of the Commissioner or process issued at his or her direction may be served.

(c) If, after a hearing, the Commissioner finds that the furnishing of such information or assistance involves any act or practice which is unfair or unreasonable or otherwise inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, he or she may issue a written order specifying in what respects such act or practice is unfair or unreasonable or otherwise inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter and requiring the discontinuance of such act or practice.

(d) No insurer which makes its own filing nor any rating organization shall support its filings by statistics or adopt rate making recommendations, furnished to it by an advisory organization which has not complied with this section or with an order of the Commissioner involving such statistics or recommendations issued under subsection (c) of this section. If the Commissioner finds such insurer or rating organization to be in violation of this subsection, he or she may issue an order requiring the discontinuance of such violation.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2522;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  170 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  1

§ 2523. Joint underwriters; joint reinsurers.

(a) Every group, association or other organization of insurers which engages in joint underwriting or joint reinsurance shall be subject to regulation with respect thereto as herein provided, subject, however, with respect to joint underwriting, to all other provisions of law, and with respect to joint reinsurance, to § 2524 (examinations) of this title.

(b) If, after a hearing, the Commissioner finds that any activity or practice of any such group, association or other organization is unfair or unreasonable or otherwise inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, he or she may issue a written order specifying in what respects such activity or practice is unfair or unreasonable or otherwise inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter and requiring the discontinuance of such activity or practice.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2523;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  170 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  1

§ 2524. Examinations.

(a) The Commissioner shall, at least once in 5 years, make or cause to be made an examination of each rating organization licensed in this State, as provided in § 2511 of this title, and he or she may, as often as he or she may deem it expedient, make or cause to be made an examination of each advisory organization referred to in § 2522 of this title and of each group, association or other organization referred to in § 2523 of this title. The reasonable costs of any such examination shall be paid by the rating organization, advisory organization or group, association or other organization examined upon presentation to it of a detailed account of such costs. The officers, manager, agent and employees of such rating organization, advisory organization or group, association or other organization may be examined at any time under oath and shall exhibit all books, records, accounts, documents or agreements governing its method of operation.

(b) In lieu of any such examination the Commissioner may accept the report of an examination made by the insurance supervisory official of another state, pursuant to the laws of such state.

(c) The provisions of § 325 of this title (examination report) apply as to such examinations.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2524;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  170 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  1

§ 2525. Recording and reporting of loss and expense experience.

(a) The Commissioner shall promulgate reasonable rules and statistical plans, reasonably adapted to each of the rating systems on file with him or her, which may be modified from time to time and which shall be used hereafter by each insurer in the recording and reporting of its loss and countrywide expense experience in order that the experience of all insurers may be made available at least annually in such form and detail as may be necessary to aid him or her in determining whether rating systems comply with the standards set forth in § 2503 of this title. Such rules and plans may also provide for the recording and reporting of expense experience items which are specially applicable to this State and are not susceptible of determination by a prorating of countrywide expense experience.

(b) In promulgating such rules and plans the Commissioner shall give due consideration to the rating systems on file with him or her and, in order that such rules and plans may be as uniform as is practicable among the several states, to the rules and to the form of the plans used for such rating systems in other states. No insurer shall be required to record or report its loss experience on a classification basis that is inconsistent with the rating system filed by it.

(c) The Commissioner may designate 1 or more rating organizations or other agencies to assist him or her in gathering such experience and making compilations thereof, and such compilations shall be made available, subject to reasonable rules promulgated by the Commissioner, to insurers and rating organizations.

(d) Each insurer shall report its loss or expense experience to the lawful rating organization or agency of which it is a member or subscriber but shall not be required to report its loss or expense experience to any rating organization or agency of which it is not a member or subscriber. Any insurer not reporting such experience to a rating organization or other agency may be required to report such experience to the Commissioner. Any report of such experience of any insurer filed with the Commissioner shall be deemed confidential and shall not be revealed by the Commissioner to any other insurer or other person, but the Commissioner may make compilations including such experience.

(e) This section does not apply to property or casualty insurers to the extent it conflicts with any of the provisions of § 526A of this title [repealed].

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2525;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  165 Del. Laws, c. 270, §  270 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  183 Del. Laws, c. 184, § 2

§ 2526. Interchange of rating plan data; consultation; cooperative action in rate making.

(a) Reasonable rules and plans may be promulgated by the Commissioner for the interchange of data necessary for the application of rating plans.

(b) In order to further uniform administration of rate regulatory laws, the Commissioner and every insurer and rating organization may exchange information and experience data with insurance supervisory officials, insurers and rating organizations in other states and may consult with them with respect to rate making and the application of rating systems.

(c) Cooperation among rating organizations or among rating organizations and insurers in rate making or in other matters within the scope of this chapter is authorized, but the filings resulting from such cooperation are subject to all provisions of this chapter which are applicable to filings generally. The Commissioner may review such cooperative activities and practices and, if after a hearing he or she finds that any such activity or practice is unfair or unreasonable or otherwise inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, he or she may issue a written order specifying in what respects such activity or practice is unfair or unreasonable or otherwise inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter and requiring the discontinuance of such activity or practice.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2526;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  170 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  1

§ 2527. Assigned risk plans.

The Commissioner shall promulgate the necessary regulations to effect:

(1) An equitable apportionment among all the insurers writing automobile insurance in this State of insurance which shall be afforded applicants who are in good faith entitled to but who are unable to procure such insurance through ordinary methods;

(2) Reasonable rates for such insurance; and

(3) Such other rules as are necessary to effect and maintain an assigned risk plan.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2527;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  159 Del. Laws, c. 195, §  1

§ 2528. False or misleading information.

(a) No person shall wilfully withhold information from or knowingly give false or misleading information to:

(1) The Commissioner;

(2) Any statistical agency designated by the Commissioner;

(3) Any rating organization or insurer which affects rates or premiums chargeable under this chapter.

(b) Violation of this section shall be subject to the penalties provided in § 106 of this title or in lieu thereof, in the Commissioner’s discretion, an administrative fine of not over $2,000.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2528;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  158 Del. Laws, c. 278, §  6

§ 2529. Fleet rates.

Two or more insurers who, by virtue of their business associations in the United States, represent themselves to be or are customarily known as a “group” or similar insurance trade designation may make the same filings or use the same rates for each such insurer subject to the provisions of § 2503 of this title, and nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit an agreement to make the same filings or use the same rates and concerted action in connection with such filings or rates by such insurers. This section shall not apply to 2 or more insurers who are not under the same common executive or general management or control and who act in concert in underwriting groups or pools.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2529;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  1

§ 2530. Penalties.

(a) The Commissioner may, if he or she finds that any person or organization has violated this chapter, impose a penalty of not more than $500 for each such violation, but if he or she finds such violation to be wilful, he or she may impose a penalty of not more than $1,000 for each such violation in addition to any other penalty provided by law.

(b) The Commissioner may suspend the license of any rating organization or insurer which fails to comply with his or her order within the time limited by the order or any extension thereof granted by the Commissioner. The Commissioner shall not so suspend a license for failure to comply with an order until time prescribed for appeal therefrom has expired or, if appealed, until such order has been affirmed. The Commissioner may determine the period of a suspension, and it shall remain in effect for such period unless he or she modifies or rescinds the suspension or until the order upon which the suspension is based is modified, rescinded or reversed.

(c) No penalty shall be imposed and no license shall be suspended or revoked except upon a written order of the Commissioner stating his or her findings, made after a hearing held upon not less than 10 days’ written notice to such person or organization specifying the alleged violation.

(d) Any party aggrieved by an order or decision of the Commissioner may, within 30 days after Commissioner’s notice, make written request for hearing thereon pursuant to § 2507 of this title.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2530;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  158 Del. Laws, c. 278, §  770 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  1

§ 2531. Appeals from Commissioner.

Any order, decision or act of the Commissioner under this chapter is subject to judicial review upon petition of any person aggrieved. The appeal shall be to the Court of Chancery in any county of this State. A petition for review shall be filed within 60 days from notice of the order, decision or act. The commencement of the proceeding shall not affect enforcement or validity of the Commissioner’s action unless the Court determines, after notice to the Commissioner, that a stay of enforcement until further direction of the Court will not unduly injure the interests of the public. Section 328(d)-(i) (appeal from the Commissioner) of this title shall apply to such appeals.

18 Del. C. 1953, §  2531;  56 Del. Laws, c. 380, §  1

§ 2532. Certain increases in premiums to peace officers or emergency personnel prohibited.

No insurer shall, in issuing or renewing a private automobile insurance policy to a peace officer, member of the Delaware State Police, ambulance squad member, volunteer or paid, or firefighter, volunteer or paid, with respect to his or her operation of a private motor vehicle, increase the premium on such policy for the reason that the insured or applicant for insurance has been involved in an accident while responding to an emergency during his or her hours of duty in an authorized emergency vehicle as defined under § 4106(e) of Title 21.

64 Del. Laws, c. 80, §  170 Del. Laws, c. 186, §  1

§ 2533. Workers’ compensation rates [Transferred].

Transferred to § 2623 of this title by 84 Del. Laws, c. 337, § 2, effective Aug. 2, 2024.

§ 2534. Workers’ compensation and employers’ liability forms and policies [Transferred].

Transferred to § 2624 of this title by 84 Del. Laws, c. 337, § 3, effective Aug. 2, 2024.

§ 2535. Adverse actions on policies relating to provision of medical care for termination of pregnancy.

No insurer may, in issuing or renewing an insurance policy to a health-care professional or health-care organization, increase the premium on such policy or take other adverse action against any health-care professional or health-care organization who performs or assists in the provision of reproductive health services, as that term is defined in § 1702 of Title 24, that is legal in this State to an individual who is from out of the state. This section applies to a policy that covers any medical professional who prescribes medication for the termination of human pregnancy to an out-of-state patient by means of telehealth.

83 Del. Laws, c. 327, § 5